Create an account

Register your account

When you first arrive at Pigero you have to register an account before you are able to join your fellow fanciers.

You can register an account by navigation to the register page .

A screenshot of the register landing page

Fill in your name, this wil be your display name. Other people can search and recognize you via this name. This can be your full name, or if you work together with a partner this could be your combination name.

Next enter your email address. It is important that you use a valid email address you own, a verification e-mail will be sent here.

{info} Email verification is required for Pigero's main features.

After that you will have to choose a password. You can make one up yourself or you can use a service to generate a strong password. Keep in mind that your password is the first barrier against hackers, keep it strong and safe. Password Generator is a wonderful tool for generating strong password.

Ultimately you can opt to enable two-factor authentication. This is an extra security measure to protect your account.

A screenshot of the register landing page