Things to do

A short overview

There's several things you can do, we'll briefly go over them so that you have a general idea of what you can expect.

Engage in social interaction

We try to emphasize on what pigeon fanciers like to do, talk about their pigeons. At Pigero it's super simple, just search and follow a few fanciers . As soon as you follow some fanciers you will be able to follow all their latest activity. You can also create posts yourself , together with these posts you can share pigeons and their results.

  • Search for fanciers and start following them

    You can start of by searching for fanciers, this could be people you know, or maybe some others you look up to, it doesn't matter.

    Learn how to find other fanciers.

  • Create new posts

    Creating posts is an ideal way of sharing your latest activity, fanciers who are following you will be notified. They can easily comment on your post.

    Learn more about posts

  • Comment on existing posts

    Whenever someone you're following posts a new message you will be notified, you can go and read that message, and you can even leave a reply. This is a great way to stay in touch with eachother.

    Learn how to reply on mesages

Keep a pigeon list

One of the main Pigero features is the ability to keep a detailed list of all your pigeons. Entering pigeons will also enable a bunch of other features, like entering results and attaching pigeons to public posts. To add your first pigeon navigate to "New pigeon" in the sidebar.

{info} Discover how to keep your own pigeon list

Create clocking groups to compete with your fanciers

For those of you who like to compete with eachother there is a tool which enables you to keep track of your and your fellow fanciers result times during the race. Simply register all participating pigeons in a clock group, and clock them when themy get home, it's that simple!

You will get real-time notifications when someone clocks a pigeon. All results will be listed in a up to date ranking list. This way at any time during the race you can see your current ranking.

{info} Don't wait any longer, start with creating a clocking group and start to compete!